Innovation on Small Farms

We are looking for students to work on Innovations on Small Farm projects! 

With the support of USDA NIFA (Award no. 2024-70003-41449), we are developing a project-based learning curriculum that connects farmers to a collaborative team of students, faculty, Extension, and agriculture service providers, to help bring innovative ideas to life

Each project team will recruit students from the College of Engineering and the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources to lead the design of these new farm innovations!  This is great, hands-on, practical skill building to reinforce your classroom curriculums!

As a student, what do you get out of it?

  • Collaborate with a team of students and faculty from CAHNR and COE
  • Immerse yourself in a specific topic that new farmers are dealing with today
  • Increase your skillsets in working on teams, design, communication, problem solving, entrepreneurship
  • Participate in a unique experience that looks great on a resume or other application
  • Help a working farm innovate

Innovations on Small Farm Project List, 2024-2025

See the list below for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. Click on the link for a more detailed project description:

Artza Mendi Farm, Compost Heat and CO2 capture and reuse

Bigelow Brook Farm, Aquaponics Fish Waste Dewatering System

Northwest Corner Farm, Sustainable Greenhouse Seedling Warming System

Union Bee Company, Process to Create Improved Durability Beehive Frame

Off Center Farm, Design of a Solar-powered Ventilation System for High Tunnels

Cobblestone Farm, App for the Ask Aunt Nelli Project

BOTL Farm, FarmOS Digital Grazing Plan

Sweet Acre Farm, Compost/Mulch Spreader for no-till Ag

The Hickories, Thresher Unit for Seeds of Varying Sizes


If you are interested, please fill out this form.

If you have additional questions, please contact Tim Vadas (, Amy Safran ( or Gerry Berkowitz (